Elon Musk is a phenomena. Tesla Motors is one of his companies and it is ready to open a factory in Shanghai which will manufacture 500,000 cars annually. Tesla is the first full-foreign aided company to open manufacturing unit in China – Impressive. This shows that China is open to great investments coming to them with an eye on the future.
Elon Musk has also been offered a permanent citizenship in China which is a very very rare thing. Only few thousands in the world has this – which included an NBA player, Nobel prize winner, etc.
Tesla is an electric car manufacturer and it will manufacture Model 3 for the Chinese market on an affordable prices. It will be a huge market for Tesla and converting this market into an eco-friendly driving is going to be a good thing.
Hoping to have Tesla Cars in India soon as I think Elon Musk is a visionary and I believe we need to work towards a better future if we want our children to have a good life on this planet – moving away from carbon emitting cars to electric is a step towards it.