Mumbai Pune Mumbai is a movie directed by Satish Rajwade featuring Swapnil Joshi, Mukta Barve. Both the actors did a great job in the film. One of the brilliant movie I have seen in Marathi. The essence of this film is in dialogs which does the comparison between 2 neighboring cities i.e. Mumbai and Pune. One city is ultra-modern and the other is grounded to its culture and slightly slow-moving. The differences in Indian culture. The various point of views of both the cities, the comparison is shown in the movie. The love story between the girl from Mumbai and the boy from Pune is beautifully shown.
Basically, the story starts when the girl from Mumbai comes to Pune to meet a groom arranged by one of her relatives. She meets a stranger in Pune and falls in love with him without knowing each other’s names. It all happens so smoothly and elegantly. The way they open their exes, their ideas about family and marriage, their debates, their quarrels! The dialogues are absolutely up to their mark. He shows her the entire Pune city the hushed Sinhagad, the rustic lakeside, the crowded Tulshi Baugh. The film shot on well known Pune locations gives it a typical Pune flavor. Both the characters in the film perfectly fit in their character. The direction and music are very good, hats off to the Satish Rajwade for his direction. This Punekar guy brings out a change in the Mumbaikar girl’s point of view. A beautiful love story one should must watch.
Finally, it is a good movie, but it is not a great movie. It doesn’t amaze, shock, surprise, or push the audience in any way. It is not a movie that would occupy a corner of your mind, because either it is all too familiar for you or you just find it too specific to be able to relate to it. It does not offer a fresh perspective on things, it does not show anything offbeat, and its small surprise, in the end, does not surprise us as such. As its best, its sweet, simple, comfort watch.