With a total budget of Rs.980 crores – which is less than the budget of the movie Interstellar, we achieved so many feats. We have an Orbiter circling around the moon and sending us important data.
The Chandrayaan 2 mission was a whole 3,84,400 kilometres to the lunar surface. As the Vikram lander closed the gap between the lunar surface and itself to 2.1 kms, the Indian Space Research organisation lost communication with the lander.
This was the first mission by any country to go to South Polar region of the Moon.
Our Prime Minister was present at the ISRO headquarters for the Vikram lander’s mission completion. He encouraged everyone to not be disheartened as the entire nation is proud of them.
PM Modi gave a speech in the morning at ISRO headquarters. Few highlights of the speech are listed below :
* Learnings from today will make us stronger and better. There will be a new dawn and a brighter tomorrow very soon.
* May have failed at the end, but we must remember that the journey was spectacular. Our orbiter is still proudly circling the moon.
* I lived the disappointment with you when the communication was lost earlier. I can understand the sadness on your face.
* You have ventured to places where no one went before. We are sure you will give us more reasons to smile.
* When ISRO has its encyclopedia of success, some hurdles cannot put its flight out of trajectory.
* Our determination to touch the moon has become even stronger, we came very close but we need to cover more ground.
* In science, there is no such thing as failure. There are only experiments and efforts.
* The whole nation is proud of your hardwork. I said this earlier today, and I am repeating it again – I am with you, the whole nation is with you.
* I am confident that when it comes to India’s space programme, the best is yet to come.
* We will rise to the occasion and scale newer heights of success. To our scientists I want to say – India is with you! You are exceptional professionals who have made an incredible contribution to national progress.
* Resilience & tenacity are central to India’s ethos. In our glorious history, we have faced moments that may have slowed us but they have never crushed our spirit. We have bounced back again & gone on to do spectacular things. This is why our civilisation stands tall.
* As important as the final result is the journey & the effort. I can proudly say that the effort was worth it and so was the journey. Our team worked hard, travelled far & those teachings will always remain with us.
* May have failed at the end, but we must remember that the journey was spectacular. Our orbiter is still proudly circling the moon.
* I lived the disappointment with you when the communication was lost earlier. I can understand the sadness on your face.
* You have ventured to places where no one went before. We are sure you will give us more reasons to smile.
* When ISRO has its encyclopedia of success, some hurdles cannot put its flight out of trajectory.
* Our determination to touch the moon has become even stronger, we came very close but we need to cover more ground.
* In science, there is no such thing as failure. There are only experiments and efforts.
* The whole nation is proud of your hardwork. I said this earlier today, and I am repeating it again – I am with you, the whole nation is with you.
* I am confident that when it comes to India’s space programme, the best is yet to come.
* We will rise to the occasion and scale newer heights of success. To our scientists I want to say – India is with you! You are exceptional professionals who have made an incredible contribution to national progress.
* Resilience & tenacity are central to India’s ethos. In our glorious history, we have faced moments that may have slowed us but they have never crushed our spirit. We have bounced back again & gone on to do spectacular things. This is why our civilisation stands tall.
* As important as the final result is the journey & the effort. I can proudly say that the effort was worth it and so was the journey. Our team worked hard, travelled far & those teachings will always remain with us.
“We will rise to the occasion and reach even newer heights of success. To our scientists I want to say – India is with you.” — PM Modi
Jai Hind